Saturday, January 25, 2014


For some reason, I had the feel to do a what's in my bag blog post, above is a photo of what I wore today and what I brought out with me.

Black Sling bag, bought it at Miss Bag Lady, located at Jem #04-04 is, got it at 20 something. 

2014  Planner from Typo, to write down little details of what I'll be doing, reminders and plan for lesson/appointments/dates.

Comb, to smooth my rough and tangled hair.

Snacks&Water Bottle, in case I was lazy to buy lunch or I got hungry half way through a bus ride.

Card Holder, Whale Purse, Key Purse, iPhone 4, earpiece, my necessity, will never go out without all five items. 

Charger, in case my phone die off and I could charge it at my workplace.

Canon G12, my humble camera.

Lupsap Lupsap outfit, hair, face&whatever there is. 

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