Thursday, July 01, 2010

Everything reminds me of you. That's how much you occupy my mind.

Sometimes when i say "I'm okay"
i want somebody to look me in they eyes and hug me and say
"i know you're not"

Hello, today had PE lesson and we learn to play VOLLEY BALL!
The basic like boring alright, but nevermind. I want learn how play(:
Then after pe had recess, rush finish my food cause not enough time already. Pathetic.
Learn new topic for phy, light? x.x Okayy, then chinese, nothing much.

After that had phy again, did experiment. Quite fun alright. Group with Ina, Yingying and Yidan.
Had english lesson after that, go through homework and then did the debate thingy again. -.-
Then school ended, heavy rain manzxc. So eat in school, after that i took mrt home.
Done, byebye.

Lastsmile, forevertears

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