Sunday, June 12, 2011


Day 1 ~

Went to school with Yuuchi and Yunting, though we reached pretty early, there's a number of people there already. Alexie reached pretty early too. After that went to the classroom to wait for the teacher to arrive. Waited for quite awhile then the teacher came to mark attendance. .___. And told as that the other teacher will be slightly late, ewww.

Soon the teacher arrive with alot of stuff. Hairdressing stuff i guess. Our teacher is call Corn. Unique name isn't it (: . Before the lesson start we had to fill up a piece of paper with our personal information and stuff. Really hate to fill up forms like that . Then soon the lesson started. He did some introduction about himself and about the workshop that we'll be attending for the next four days.

For the first lesson we learn how to section the hair into four. That was pretty easy. After that we learn how to hold the scissor and the comb together. Was not easy alright. After that we learn how to cut straight and layering. Soon, it's our turn to try out. Wasn't easy ): . The scissor not nice to use one and i can hardly comb the hair also. And the thingy very dirty also . Ewwwwww. After cutting we went for a break, had waffle. Favourite <3 !

After the break, we continue with the layering hair cut . At around 1 pm the lesson ended. Meet up with Yianping for lunch together ^^ . Walk around jp and soon went home to take a nap ! Dinner at granny's, as usual .

Day 2 ~

Went to school early as there's english oral, everybody said that we have to report at 0730. Insane. So meet Y & Y early and walk to school feeling really really sleepy ! Reached school pretty ear;y and went to find our classmate . AND....they told us, our reporting time is 9am . And i was like, WTF ! Cross my heart and wish to SLEEEEEEP ! So in the end slack around in school awhile only cause all can't take it. So decided to go to MACDONALS with the boys as the wanna go have breakfast. LOL !

After that went back to school for english oral, i was the first two to be tested. Like a fast ! The passage and picture is about a security check point at the airport. There isn't much to say about the picture. Sad thing is no conversation ): . After that wait for Yuuchi they all to finish and went for the hairstyling workshop, z.z.z.z.z . Today's lesson is about reponding and curling. Nothing much also. The curling like fail only. Soon the lesson ended alr ! Went to watch Kung Fu Panda, it was really really really CUTE !! Nice show, very entertaining .

Day 3 ~

Decided the night before to go lesson slightly late :p . However i woke up the same time alright, had breakfast i watched MIOBI ! Love this show and had to wuickly watch as it is free on demand tv now. After that went to school and reached at around 10 . AND...the lesson just started only ! Heard my friend say that the teacher waited for me >< ! Guity much ): . Okay, whatever. Today's lesson will be on hair dye and washing of hair ! It was really really fun okay !

The washing of hair was really cool please ! We get to was each other's hair, and i was like " Seriously?! " HAHAHA. Yuuchi washed my hair first, and Yunting washed Alexie's ! Was damn epic please ! And the washing away of shampoo was really ridiculous ! Then after that was me and Alexie turn to do the washing, HAHAH. Think i did a bad job )): . HAHA, anyway, i had fun ! That's what that matters ! Soon the lesson ended alr !

Day 4~

Today's lesson was about hairstyling ! We learn to tie french bun, fishtail and free styling . The french bun is really classy but must neat then nice. Fish tail i already know how to tie and the free styling like nothing also . LOL ! So i just did the fishtail and i'm done. Help Yuuchi to tie the scorpion too . HEEHEE. Then after that i did a bun and add a few accessories. After that we lesson ended and we all rushed home as we're going to IKEA to playy !! Was a great day with them like always !

Day 5~

Finally it's the last day of the workshop . Today we will be having a theory test and a hairstyling competition. First up was the theory test, there's like a few MCQ and 3 struture question ! Not easy alright. Hehem but manage to do it ^^ . After that went for a break before coming back for the competition .

We had like 2 hours to some up with a style before our teacher come a judge it. So i didn;t thought much and just wanna try something. So i took out a section on the front of the hair and starting plaiting a few small plaits. After that i got the remianing hair into a high bun and got the plaits together and tie it all up togther using bob pins. After that pin a flower and i'm done alr .

Soon the teachers started walking around the class room to see our styling and surprisingly my hairstyling caught my teacher's eyes and my name was written down. And Mmy friend was like, you're gonna win this man ! And i was like :$$$$ ! Heehee. After that thre's a powerpoint slide about the hairstyling workshop . And soon the teacher annouced the result and i got destintion (: . Heehee ! After that we had some snacks ! Our teach baked bread for us. Delicious !

And that's the end of the workshop !

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